Trevor Fenner
My main research interests are in the general area of algorithms and data structures, particularly combinatorial algorithms and probabilistic algorithms - the latter being closely linked with collaborative work I have involved in on random graphs and random graph algorithms. I am also interested in programming and programming languages. Recently I have been doing work on heuristic game playing, models for Web dynamics, and the development of algorithms for various problems in bioinformatics. As well as in the aforementioned areas, I have published papers on numerical linear algebra, combinatorial matrix theory, matroid algorithms, and relational database theory.
I am a member of the Algorithms, Verification and Software Research Group
A list of publications can be found at;
- BIROn (Birkbeck Institutional Research Online)
Undergraduate B.Sc.
- Programming Language Paradigms
Postgraduate M.Sc.
- Fundamentals of Computing: Data Structures, File Organisation and Algorithms
- Programming Paradigms and Languages
Previous Taught Modules
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Algorithms and Programming