Relevant Python modules: Pandas




  • Created by Wes McKinney, a ‘quant’ for hedge-fund AQR.
  • a library for processing tabular data, both numeric and time series.

  • it provides data structures (series, dataframe) and methods for data analysis.

W. McKinney, Python for Data Analysis, 3/e. O’Reilly 2022.

pip install pandas

Available by default with Anaconda.

Data Structures - Series

A one-dimensional object containing values and associated labels, called Index.

Unless we assign indices, Pandas will simply enumerate the items.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# a simple series
s1 = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40])

0    10
1    20
2    30
3    40
dtype: int64

# Assign explicit indices to our data
s2 = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40], index = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

a    10
b    20
c    30
d    40
dtype: int64
# Alternatively, convert a Py. dictionary into a DataFrame: 
# keys correspond to indices.
d1 = {'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30, 'd':40}

s3 = pd.Series(d1)

a    10
b    20
c    30
d    40
dtype: int64

Data Structures - Series

Use the index to select one or more specific values.

# Get the data on position 'a' of s3

# Get the data indexed 'a' and 'c' of s3

s3[['a', 'c']]
a    10
c    30
dtype: int64

Filter elements

# Get the data smaller than 25

a    10
b    20
dtype: int64

apply element-wise mathematical operations…

# Square every element of s3

a     100
b     400
c     900
d    1600
dtype: int64

or a combination of both:

# Square every element of s3 smaller than 25

a    100
b    400
dtype: int64

Data Structures - DataFrame

DataFrames are 2D structures.

Values are labelled by their index and column location.

# Notice how we specify columns.
new_df = pd.DataFrame([10, 20, 30, 40], 
                      columns = ['Integers'], 
                      index = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

a 10
b 20
c 30
d 40

# Implicitly add a column.
new_df['Floats'] = (1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5)

Integers Floats
a 10 1.5
b 20 2.5
c 30 3.5
d 40 4.5

Data Structures: DataFrame - loc

Select data according to their location label.

# here loc slices data using index name.

Integers    30.0
Floats       3.5
Name: c, dtype: float64
# here loc slices data using column name.

new_df.loc[:, 'Integers'] #or new_df['numbers']
a    10
b    20
c    30
d    40
Name: Integers, dtype: int64
# here we use both index and column name.

new_df.loc['c', 'Integers'] 

Data Structures: DataFrame - iloc

Select a specific slice of data according to its position.

# here loc slices data using index number.

Integers    30.0
Floats       3.5
Name: c, dtype: float64
# here loc slices data using column number.

new_df.iloc[:, 0] 
a    10
b    20
c    30
d    40
Name: Integers, dtype: int64
# here we use both index and column number.

new_df.iloc[2, 0] 

Data Structures: DataFrame - filters

Complex selection is achieved applying Boolean filters. Multiple conditions can be combined in one statement.

Integers Floats
b 20 2.5
c 30 3.5
d 40 4.5

# here we apply conditions to both columns.

new_df[(new_df.Integers>10) & (new_df.Floats>2.5)] 
Integers Floats
c 30 3.5
d 40 4.5

Data Structures: DataFrame - Axis

DataFrames operate on 2 dimensions.

Axis = 0 invokes functions across rows; it’s the default behaviour when the axis is not specified.

Integers    100.0
Floats       12.0
dtype: float64

Axis = 1 invokes functions across columns.

a    11.5
b    22.5
c    33.5
d    44.5
dtype: float64

Data Structures: DataFrame - Axis

We can mix element-wise operations with functions applied to a given axis

Example: Create a column with the sum of squares of each row.

# Just one line of code!
new_df['Sumsq'] = (new_df**2).sum(axis=1) 

Integers Floats Sumsq
a 10 1.5 102.25
b 20 2.5 406.25
c 30 3.5 912.25
d 40 4.5 1620.25

Importing data

Read a datafile and turn it into a DataFrame. Several arguments are available to specify the behavior of the process:

index_col sets the column of the csv file to be used as index of the DataFrame

sep specifies the separator in the source file

parse_dates sets the column to be converted as datetime objects

FILE = './path/to/some_file.csv'

df_r = pd.read_csv(FILE, 
                    index_col = 0, 
                    sep = ';',
                    parse_dates = ['date'] )

Biostats data - info()

The info() method outputs top-down information on the DataFrame

FILE = 'data/biostats.csv'

df_bio = pd.read_csv(FILE)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 18 entries, 0 to 17
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------       --------------  ----- 
 0   Name         18 non-null     object
 1   Sex          18 non-null     object
 2   Age          18 non-null     int64 
 3   Height(in)   18 non-null     int64 
 4   Weight(lbs)  18 non-null     int64 
dtypes: int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 852.0+ bytes

Biostats data - head() and tail()

These convenient methods visualise respectively the first/last n rows (default = 5) in the DataFrame.

Name Sex Age Height(in) Weight(lbs)
0 Alex M 41 74 170
1 Bert M 42 68 166
2 Dave M 32 70 155
3 Dave M 39 72 167
4 Elly F 30 66 124

Name Sex Age Height(in) Weight(lbs)
13 Neil M 36 75 160
14 Omar M 38 70 145
15 Page F 31 67 135
16 Luke M 29 71 176
17 Ruth F 28 65 131

Biostats data - index column

Selecting the index column affects the structure of the DataFrame and thus information retrieval.

CAUTION: the index does not have to be unique. Multiple rows could have the same index name.

# here we set the Name column as the index
df_bio2 = pd.read_csv(FILE, index_col=0)

Sex Age Height(in) Weight(lbs)
Alex M 41 74 170
Bert M 42 68 166
Dave M 32 70 155
Dave M 39 72 167
Elly F 30 66 124
#It is now possible to use elements of the Name column to select an entire row
Sex              M
Age             42
Height(in)      68
Weight(lbs)    166
Name: Bert, dtype: object

Descriptive statistics - describe()

Compute the descriptive statistics of quantitative variables

# Descriptive stats
Age Height(in) Weight(lbs)
count 18.000000 18.000000 18.000000
mean 34.666667 69.055556 146.722222
std 7.577055 3.522570 22.540958
min 23.000000 62.000000 98.000000
25% 30.000000 66.250000 132.000000
50% 32.500000 69.500000 150.000000
75% 38.750000 71.750000 165.250000
max 53.000000 75.000000 176.000000
# Descriptive statistics for the Age variable
count    18.000000
mean     34.666667
std       7.577055
min      23.000000
25%      30.000000
50%      32.500000
75%      38.750000
max      53.000000
Name: Age, dtype: float64

Descriptive statistics - categorcal variables

The value_counts() method computes the unique values and how many times they occur.

# Descriptive statistics for the entire DataFrame
M    11
F     7
Name: count, dtype: int64