This deliverable includes the main outputs of the evaluation process. The evaluation process was undertaken between July 2005 and March 2006 and focused upon both first and second versions of the L4All pilot system. The first study was undertaken between July and September 2005. The second phase took place in March 2006. This report includes the main findings of the evaluation with supplementary documentation as appendices. The evaluation process aimed to inform the design of the L4All system in relation to specified user requirements, as well as supporting a better understanding of the usability issues associated with the deployment of the system. While the L4All system has centred upon integrating existing JISC-funded tools, the main driver for the project was to establish key issues impeding learners’ career and educational choices and help support better design to facilitate ease of decision-making. Towards this end, an integral part of the L4All project was to conduct an effective formative evaluation to inform the design revisions of the pilot portal from Version 1 of the system to Version 2. |