DC.1 Final Project Reporthot!
DC.2 L4ALL Formative Evaluation Reporthot!
This reports on the continued evalution of the L4All pilot during the Continuation phase of the project (April - October 2006).
This evaluation has taken the form of remote usage of the system in conjunction with an online survey, face-to-face interviews with learners, and discussions held using the Blackboard virtual learning environment. The evaluation has centred upon different user groups – learners, tutors,widening participation officers and content providers. This process has provided formative feedback to the developers, resulting in corrections and improvements to the pilot.
DC.3 Report on adoption of L4All by FE/HE Institutionshot!
This document reports on the requirements for adoption of L4All by FE/HE institutions and its potential impact.
This report is the result of an initial investigation of how L4All and its pilot versions can be migrated to operational use. The study describes L4All as a software artefact, the social settings in which it is expected to support learners and the various layers of other interacting software artefacts it needs in order to operate and provide meaningful services to end-users and their supporters e.g. career advisors, tutors, peers. Further it describes the mechanisms through which the artefact is delivered to organisational settings through which, in turn the learners will access the artefact for the first time.
The study has identified three levels of adoption of the system by learners:firstly they will be inspired to use L4All for immediate needs e.g. in finding the most appropriate next step in their interaction with education providers; secondly, to populate the system with their personal information; and thirdly to support their peers by forming virtual communities on the platforms provided. The study has reflected on the activities that need to be enacted to ensure the first level of adoption and to foster the second and third levels.
DC.4 User modelling to support personalisationhot!
This deliverable explores user modelling in the context of lifelong learning. The report investigates service orientation and user modelling system architectures and makes an attempt to identify lifelong learners’ attributes that could be included in a generic learner model in order to support personalisation services in L4/All/. Lastly, it proposes personalised functionalities to support L4/All/ system users.
DC.5 User Requirements for L4All Integration with e-portfolio toolshot!
This report focuses upon user requirements for integrating a dedicated e-portfolio tool into the L4All pilot. The integration of e-portfolio software with L4All is particularly apposite as both have a similar ethos underpinning them. This report provides a policy context for the use of e-portfolio software, discusses different types of applications of such software, and identifies the specific requirements of L4All users with respect to e-portfolio systems and some specific scenarios of use.
DC.6 Technical Requirements of L4All Integration with e-portfolio toolshot!
This report discusses the technical requirements for the integration of the L4All pilot with e-portfolio tools. It reports on: a review of the major e-portfolio systems with a focus on their technical specification; a study of integrating L4All with a specific e-portfolio system (Petal); and some alternative approaches to integrating the two systems, at the levels of architecture, functionality and data integration.
D7.2 Final Evaluation Reporthot!
This deliverable includes the main outputs of the evaluation process. The evaluation process was undertaken between July 2005 and March 2006 and focused upon both first and second versions of the L4All pilot system. The first study was undertaken between July and September 2005. The second phase took place in March 2006. This report includes the main findings of the evaluation with supplementary documentation as appendices.
The evaluation process aimed to inform the design of the L4All system in relation to specified user requirements, as well as supporting a better understanding of the usability issues associated with the deployment of the system. While the L4All system has centred upon integrating existing JISC-funded tools, the main driver for the project was to establish key issues impeding learners’ career and educational choices and help support better design to facilitate ease of decision-making. Towards this end, an integral part of the L4All project was to conduct an effective formative evaluation to inform the design revisions of the pilot portal from Version 1 of the system to Version 2.
D6.2 Final Technical Reporthot!
This document describes the architecture of version 2 of the L4All pilot, its set of components and a detailed description of each component. Also discussed is the development and testing methodology, the quality assurance criteria and the technical challenges we faced during the L4All development process.
D8.2 Implementation of Software Components in the portalhot!
WP8: Shibboleth and the L4All Portal
The environment in which Shibboleth is designed to run is characterised (from the point of view of a resource provider) by needs for anonymous remote authentication and role based authorisation. Neither of these issues which appear to be of immediate relevance to the L4All portal, but on closer examination, it can be seen that these could both be used to enhance the portal experience.
D6.1 Functionality, Design & Implementationhot!
This document gives a description of the functionality, design and implementation of the first version of the L4All pilot.
In the first section we give a short description of the user requirements as they arose from the user study including the requested search functionality, the course and trail management features and the user profile creation and editing. Section 2 describes the pilot’s functionality and the various different services and components that are involved in achieving it. A description of the architecture and the features of the first version of the pilot is given in Section 3, followed by a more detailed presentation of the available functionality in Section 4 via a series of screenshots taken from the actual system. The release plan of the pilot along with features in each phase is presented in Section 5. The Technical Appendix contains information about the metadata schemas used, followed by the set of usage scenarios for the pilot.