If you are studing on one of the school's MSc programmes and you would like to work on any of the project ideas below, you can write to me to discuss further.
MSc AIS/CS/WIM/E-Business |
- Integrating Urban Tapestries and Placelab: This project will extend the Urban Tapestries client for mobile devices (e.g. Nokia and Ericcson phones) developed in J2ME with location sensing capabilities from the Placelab project. The UT client already supports GPS and Cell ID location sensing -- more info at the UT site.
- Web-Mashing Google Maps and Urban Tapestries GPS tracks: This project will mash Google maps and GPS tracks from the Urban Tapestries server, i.e. it will overlay data captured by the UT client (including the Feral Robot) on top of the relevant maps retrieved real-time from Google.
- In-network signal processing of EEG in sensor networks: This project will extend Tiny OS functionality to provide in-network (i.e. at the sensor node) processing of Electro-encephalogram data to recognise specific conditions, e.g. identify onset of sleep or epileptic incident.
- Chemical sensor networks. This project will develop the software components required for creating a chemical network sensor node based on the Smiths LCD mobile chemical multi-sensor. The selection of a suitable network node platfrom (e.g. tmote sky with Tiny OS or Gumstix with embedded linux) will also be part of the project.