

From the introduction:

  1. (was 1) Classification and class probability


  • a collection (dataset) of datapoints from \(\mathbf{X}\)

  • a classification system \(C = \{c_1, c_2, \dots c_r\}\)

Solution: classification function \(\gamma: \mathbf{X} \rightarrow C\)

Measure: misclassification

Binary classification

\(r=2\): positive and negative.

Misclassification is described by the confusion matrix, which scores the result of classification against labeled examples.

Often one class is of more interest than the other: better measures are needed.

Binary classification in 2D

With just two numerical dimensions, datapoint similarity can be interpreted as simple Euclideian distance.

Being very close \(\Longleftrightarrow\) being very similar.

Are 4 and 6 more similar to each other than -1 and +1?

Assumption: small changes in the values won’t alter the classification, close points will receive the same classification.

if close distance then assing same class

The nearest neigh.

Take a set of labeled points (the examples), all others are blank at the moment.

Whenever a blank point has a nearest neighbor datapoint which is labeled, give it the same label

This is the NN, or 1-NN algorithm.

\[\gamma(\mathbf{x}) = y_i, i = \text{argmin}_j ||\mathbf{x}_j - \mathbf{x}||\]

From 1-NN to k-NN

Consider the k nearest neighbors

Assign the class that is the most common among them

Variation: consider each label relative to the effective distance of the neighbor.




Given the labeled examples, k-NN determines the areas around each example which give a certain class.

k-NN learns an area or surface and applies it in classification

A larger k does not always mean a better classification

Influence of k



  • introduces us to voting systems

  • is effective when the two classes are balanced, i.e., not skewed, in the dataset

  • there is no standard way to choose k, yet it may greatly influence the outcome:

    • we face hyperparameter optimization.
  • on large training datasets, even 1-NN approaches the irreducible_error_rate (2x).


Sometime improving accuracy on the training data does not translate into improved accuracy in testing against unseen data

1-NN is perfect on training but 0.7 on test.

Higher k’s do not improve much and overfitting creeps in.