Intelligent support for learning and knowledge communities

In collaborative and interdisciplinary research with domain experts from the arts, life sciences and education, we are designing personalised, adaptive tools to support students, tutors and learning communities in creating, assimilating and sharing knowledge. To realize this vision, we draw on a combination of computational techniques, including

Funded Projects


See the DBLP Bibliography Server and Google Scholar.


Understanding and managing patchy data in the UK museum sector. F.Candlin, A.Poulovassilis. Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship (Taylor & Francis), 35(4), pp 446-459, 2020.

The Missing Museums: Accreditation, surveys, and an alternative account of the UK sector. F.Candlin, J.Larkin, A.Ballatore, A.Poulovassilis. Cultural Trends (Taylor & Francis), 29(1), pp 50-67, 2020.

Introduction: Pipeline Break. H.Etzkowitz, H.Lawton Smith, C.Henry, A.Poulovassilis. In New Perspectives in Gender, Science & Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Helen Lawton Smith et al, 2019.

Gender differences in commercialisation of research: An investigation in UK universities. H.Lawton Smith, V.Meschitti, J. le Roux, M.Panton, N.Baines, A.Poulovassilis, C.Henry. In New Perspectives in Gender, Science & Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Helen Lawton Smith et al, 2019.

Awareness Tools for Teachers to support Students’ Exploratory Learning: Challenges and Design. A.Poulovassilis. In Learning Technologies for transforming Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Large Scale, D. Sampson et al (eds), Springer, 2019.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to Close the Achievement Gap. Du Boulay, B., Poulovassilis, A., Holmes, W., and Mavrikis, M. In: Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology, R. Luckin (ed), UCL IoE Press, 2018.

Female Academic Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation: Reviewing the Evidence and Identifying the Challenges. Helen Lawton Smith, Colette Henry, Henry Etzkowitz, Viviana Meschitti, Alex Poulovassilis. In: The Routledge Companion to Global Female Entrepreneurship, C. Henry (ed.), 2017.

Big Data and Education. A.Poulovassilis. Technical Report BBKCS-16-01, Birkbeck, December 2016.

Intelligent Mentoring Systems for Making Meaning from Work Experience. Vania Dimitrova, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Nicolas Van Labeke, Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Paul Brna and Miriam Zukas. Refereed position paper in Proc. 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Mentoring Systems, at ITS 2016, Zagreb, June 2016 (//

Combining Flexible Queries and Knowledge Anchors to facilitate the exploration of Knowledge Graphs. Alexandra Poulovassilis, Marwan Al-Tawil, Riccardo Frosini, Mirko Dimartino, Vania Dimitrova. Proc. 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD), at ISWC 2016.

Iterative context engineering to inform the design of intelligent exploratory learning environments for the classroom. Mavrikis, M., Gutierrez-Santos, S, Geraniou, E., Hoyles, C., Magoulas, G., Noss, R. and Poulovassilis, A. In: R. Luckin et al. Handbook of Design in Educational Technology. May 2013, Routledge.

Usage scenarios and evaluation of teacher assistance tools for exploratory learning environments. S. Gutierrez-Santos, M. Mavrikis, E. Geraniou and A. Poulovassilis. Technical Report BBKCS-12-02, Birkbeck, December 2012.

Teacher Assistance Tools for the Constructionist Classroom. Eirini Geraniou, Manolis Mavrikis, Sergio Gutierrez-Santos, Alexandra Poulovassilis. Proc. Constructionism 2012, Athens, August 21-24, 2012.

Design of Teacher Assistance Tools in an Exploratory Learning Environment for Algebraic Generalization, Sergio Gutierrez-Santos, Eirini Generaniou, Darren Pearce-Lazard, Alexandra Poulovassilis. IEEE Transactions in Learning Technologies, 5(4), 366-376, 2012.

The design of a system to support exploratory learning of algebraic generalisation, Richard Noss, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Eirini Geraniou, Sergio Gutierrez-Santos, Celia Hoyles, Ken Kahn, George D. Magoulas, Manolis Mavrikis. Computers and Education, 59(1), 63-82, 2012.

Flexible Querying of Lifelong Learner Metadata, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Petra Selmer, Peter T. Wood. IEEE Transactions in Learning Technologies, 5(2), 117-129, 2012.

The Design of Teacher Assistance Tools in an Exploratory Learning Environment for Mathematics Generalisation. Darren Pearce-Lazard, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Eirini Geraniou. Proc. ECTEL 2010, pp 260-275, Springer, 2010.

Awareness in P2P groupware systems: a convergence of contextual computing, social media and semantic web, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Fatos Xhafa. Presented at the Workshop on Future Learning Landscapes, at ECTEL 2010, September 2010.

Layered Learner Modelling in ill-defined domains: conceptual model and architecture in MiGen, Manolis Mavrikis, Sergio Gutierrez-Santos, Darren Pearce-Lazard, Alexandra Poulovassilis, George Magoulas. Proc. Workshop on Intelligent Tutoring Technologies for Ill-Defined Problems and Ill-Defined Domains, at ITS 2010, June 2010. Full paper

Requirements for Distributed Event-Based Awareness in P2P Groupware Systems, Fatos Xhafa, Alex Poulovassilis. Proc. AINA Workshops 2010 (IEEE 24th Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops), pp 220-225.

Learning as immersive experiences: Using the four-dimensional framework for designing and evaluating immersive learning experiences in a virtual world, de Freitas S., Rebolledo-Mendez G., Liarokapis F., Magoulas G.D., Poulovassilis A. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(1) pp 69-85, 2010.

Flexible Querying of Lifelong Learner Metadata, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Peter Wood, Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Semantic Web in Higher Education (SemHE), at ECTEL 2009.

The Conceptual and Architectural Design of a System Supporting Exploratory Learning of Mathematics Generalisation, Darren Pearce, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Proc. ECTEL 2009, pp 22-36, Springer, 2009.

Searching for "People Like Me" in a Lifelong Learning System, Nicolas van Labeke, George D. Magoulas, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Proc. ECTEL 2009, pp 106-111, Springer, 2009. Full paper

Developing an evaluation methodology for immersive learning experiences in a virtual world, de Freitas, S. Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Liarokapis, F., Magoulas, G., Poulovassilis, A., Proc, 2009 Conference in Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, IEEE, pp 43-50.

Using Similarity Metrics for Matching Lifelong Learners, N.Van Labeke, A.Poulovassilis and G.Magoulas, Proc. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'2008), July 2008, Springer, pp 142-151.

L4All: a Web-Service Based System for Lifelong Learners, S. de Freitas, I. Harrison, G. Magoulas, G. Papamarkos, A. Poulovassilis, N. Van Labeke, A. Mee, and M. Oliver, In S. Salerno et al. (eds), The Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts, Technologies and Applications, Volume 2: The Future of Learning , IOS Press, 2008.

Personalisation Services for Self e-Learning Networks, K. Keenoy, V. Christophides, G. Papamarkos, A. Poulovassilis, D. Kotzinos, P. Rigaux, N. Spyratos, P. Wood, In S. Salerno et al. (eds), The Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts, Technologies and Applications, Volume 2: The Future of Learning , IOS Press, 2008.

Designing services-enabled personalisation for planning of lifelong learning based on individual and group characteristics, H. Baajour, G. Magoulas, A. Poulovassilis, Proc. Workshop on Personalisation in E-Learning Environments at Individual and Group Level, 11th International Conference on User Modeling (UM 2007), Corfu, 25-29 June 2007, pp. 8-15.

Modelling the Lifelong Learner in a services-based environment, H.Baajour, G.Magoulas, A.Poulovassilis, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA 07), Wrexham, September 2007.

The development of a system for supporting the lifelong learner, Freitas, I.Harrison, G.Magoulas, A.Mee, F.Mohamad, M.Oliver, G.Papamarkos, A.Poulovassilis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 37(6), pp 867-880, November 2006. Special Issue on Collaborative e-Support for Lifelong Learning.

L4All - a web-service based system for Lifelong Learners , Freitas, G.Magoulas, M.Oliver, G.Papamarkos, A.Poulovassilis, I.Harrison, A.Mee. Proceedings of eChallenges'2006 (Workshop on Next Generation in Technology Enhanced Learning), 25-27 October 2006, Barcelona. IOS Press, pp 1477-1484.

A services-enabled environment for personalising Lifelong Learning Pathways , G.Magoulas, G.Papamarkos, A.Poulovassilis. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Applying Service Oriented Architectures to Adaptive Information Systems, at AHM'2006, Dublin, 20-23 June, 2006. (Lecture Notes in Learning and Teaching, Weibelzahl, S. and Cristea, A. (eds), pp 140-147, ISSN 1649-8623).

Event-Condition-Action Rule Languages on RDF metadata in P2P environments, G.Papamarkos, A.Poulovassilis and P.T.Wood. Technical Report BBKCS-05-05 . Final version appears in Computer Networks 50(10), July 2006, pp 1513-1532.

Adaptive Personalisation in Self e-Learning Networks Keenoy K., Poulovassilis A., Christophides V., Rigaux P., Papamarkos G., Magkanaraki A., Stratakis M., Spyratos N., Wood P., in Proceedings 1st International Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments (held in conjunction with the 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning), Naples, March 14, 2005. BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC).

Personalisation Services for Self e-Learning Networks Keenoy K., Poulovassilis A., Christophides V., Rigaux P., Papamarkos G., Magkanaraki A., Stratakis M., Spyratos N., Wood P.T., in Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Engineering 2004 (ICWE 2004), Munich, Germany, July 28-30, 2004, LNCS, 3140 pp 215-219

Web Dynamics, M.Levene and A.Poulovassilis (eds), Springer 2004 (see in particular Section IV - Personalised Access to the Web).

Event-Condition-Action Rule Languages for the Semantic Web, G.Papamarkos, A.Poulovassilis and P.T.Wood. Proc. Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases, at VLDB'03, Berlin, September 2003.