Department of Computer Science and Information Systems Birkbeck, University of London Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX |
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SpolPred: rapid and accurate prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis spoligotypes from short genomic sequences, F. Coll, K. Mallard, M. D. Preston, S. Bentley, J. Parkhill, R. McNerney, N. Martin, T. G. Clark, Bioinformatics, 28, 2991-2993 (2012)
An Ontology-Based Quality Framework for Data Integration, J. Wang, N. Martin, A. Poulovassilis, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 106, 196-208 (2012).
Query Performance Evaluation of an Architecture for Fine-Grained Integration of Heterogeneous Grid Data Sources, L. Zamboulis, N. Martin, A. Poulovassilis, Future Generation Computer Systems 26(8), 1073-1091 (2010).
ISPIDER Central: an integrated database web-server for proteomics, J A Siepen, K Belhajjame, J N. Selley, S. M. Embury, N. W. Paton, C. A. Goble, S. G. Oliver, R. Stevens, L. Zamboulis, N. Martin, A. Poulovassillis, P. Jones, R Côté, H Hermjakob, M M Pentony, D T Jones, C A Orengo and S J Hubbard, Nucleic Acids Research, 36, W485-W490 (2008).
Gene3D: comprehensive structural and functional annotation of genomes, C. Yeats, J. Lees, A. Reid, P. Kellam, N. Martin, X. Liu and C. Orengo, Nucleic Acids Research, 36, D414-D418 (2008)
Bioinformatics Service Reconciliation By Heterogeneous Schema Transformation, L. Zamboulis, N. Martin, A. Poulovassilis, Proc. 4th International Workshop Data Integration in the Life Sciences DILS 2007, 89-104 (2007).
Improved Robustness in Time Series Analysis of Gene Expression Data by Polynomial Model Based Clustering, M. Hirsch, A. Tucker, S. Swift, N. Martin, C. Orengo, P. Kellam, X. Liu, Proc. Computational Life Sciences II, 1-10 (2006).
Data Access and Integration in the ISPIDER Proteomics Grid, L Zamboulis, H. Fan, K. Belhajjame, J. Siepen, A. Jones, N. Martin, A.Poulovasillis, S. Hubbard, S. Embury, N. Paton, Proc. 3rd International Workshop Data Integration in the Life Sciences DILS 2006, 3-18 (2006).
Cluster Based Integration of Heterogeneous Biological Databases Using the AutoMed Toolkit, M. Maibaum, L. Zamboulis, G. Rimon, C. Orengo, N. Martin, A. Poulovasillis, Proc. 2nd International Workshop Data Integration in the Life Sciences DILS 2005, 191-207 (2005).
Consensus Clustering and Functional Interpretation of Gene Expression Data, S. Swift, A. Tucker, V. Vinciotti, N. Martin, C. Orengo, X. Liu, P. Kellam, Genome Biology, 5:R94 (2004).
BioMap: Gene Family based Integration of Heterogeneous Biological Databases Using AutoMed Metadata, M. Maibaum, G. Rimon, C. Orengo, N. Martin, A. Poulovasillis, Proc. 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 2004, 384-388 (2004).
Database Support for Path Query Functions, R. Hamill and N. Martin, Key Technologies for Data Management, Proc. BNCOD 21, Springer Verlag, LNCS 3112, 84-99 (2004).
Data Management of Biological Information, N. J. Martin, chapter in Genes, Proteins and Computers, C. A. Orengo, D. T. Jones amd J. M. Thornton (eds.), BIOS Scientific Publishers, (2003).
The CATH database: an extended protein family resource for structural and functional genomics, F. M. G. Pearl, C. F. Bennett, J. E. Bray, A. P. Harrison, N. Martin, A. Shepherd, I. Sillitoe, J. Thornton, C. A. Orengo, Nucleic Acids Res, 31(1), 452-455 (2003).
A Framework for Modelling Virus Gene Expression Data, P. Kellam, X. Liu, N. Martin, C. Orengo, S. Swift, A. Tucker, Intelligent Data Analysis, 6(3), 267-279 (2002).
PFDB: A generic protein family database integrating the CATH domain structure database with sequence based protein family resources, A. J. Shepherd, N. Martin, R. G. Johnson, P. Kellam, C. A. Orengo, Bioinformatics, 18, 1666-1672 (2002).
Comparing, Contrasting and Combining Clusters in Viral Gene Expression Data, P Kellam, X. Liu, N. Martin, C. Orengo, S. Swift, A. Tucker, Proc. 6th Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology, 56-62 (2001).
VIDA: a virus database system for the organisation of virus genome open reading frames, M.M.Alba, D.Lee, F.M.G.Pearl, A.J.Shepherd, N. Martin, C. Orengo and P. Kellam, Nucleic Acids Res, 29(1), 133-136 (2001).
A rapid classification protocol for the CATH domain database to support structure genomics, F.M.G. Pearl, N.J. Martin, J.E. Bray, D.W.A. Buchan, A.P. Harrison, D. Lee, G.A. Reeves, A.J. Shepherd, I. Sillitoe, A.E. Todd, J.M. Thornton and C.A. Orengo, Nucleic Acids Res, 29(1), 223-227 (2001).
Grouping Multivariate Time Series Variables: Applications to Chemical Process and Visual Field Data, A. Tucker, S. Swift, N.J. Martin and X. Liu, Knowledge-based Systems, 14(3-4), 147-154 (2001).
PPS - a Parallel Partition Sort Algorithm for Multiprocessor Database Systems, X. Zhao, N.J. Martin and R.G. Johnson, Proc. 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert System Applications, IEEE Computer Society, 635-644 (2000).
Automatic Semantic Object Discovery and Mapping from Non-normalised Relational Database Systems, S. Karkalas and N.J. Martin, Advances in Information Systems, Springer Verlag, LNCS 1909, 92-107 (2000).